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The History Department at King Edward VII School, Sheffield, is currently developing and trialling material relating to the Sheffield Flood Claims Archive and this website. This will tie in with the topic of the ‘Industrial Revolution’ for Year 8 (and elsewhere Year 9). The materials will then be made available on this site and introduced to other schools through a local teaching service centre. Details will be available in May 2006.
The Great Sheffield Flood Drama resource pack was created in response to teachers' requests. It was conceived as a follow up to a theatre in education project on the Flood by ACTING TOGETHER with a number of primary schools in Sheffield. ACTING TOGETHER is a TIE company of teachers and student volunteers operating out of the English Department of Sheffield University .
The teaching pack is designed to be a practical resource for non-specialist teachers of drama in primary schools. It is intended for use mainly with Key Stage 2 children (7-11 years old) but could be adapted for younger or older pupils. The pack is available for purchase – all proceeds will go to help similar projects in the future, price available on request by email. In addition if you would like someone to visit your school and conduct a drama workshop based on the Sheffield Flood this can also be arranged by email. A sample of one activity included in the pack can be found below. Please contact Helen Loy initially on hm.loy@btinternet.com citing ‘Sheffield Flood’ as subject.
Sample activity, based on the story of the Cleakum Inn: Teacher's Card; Pupil Card; Resource Card